Accelerated Resolution Therapy

Liz Clarkin, LICSW

2 min read

Accelerated Resolution Therapy is a brief, evidence-based psychotherapy that aims to expedite the healing process by directly accessing and reprogramming distressing memories and images stored in the brain. Developed by Dr. Laney Rosenzweig, ART combines elements of various therapeutic modalities, including cognitive-behavioral therapy, eye movement techniques, and relaxation exercises.

How ART Can Improve Your Life:

  1. Rapid Resolution of Trauma: ART offers an effective and efficient means of resolving trauma, allowing individuals to experience relief from distressing memories, intrusive thoughts, and emotional pain. By accessing and reprocessing traumatic memories, ART helps individuals detach from the emotional charge associated with those experiences, leading to a profound sense of healing and freedom.

  2. Emotional Freedom and Resilience: ART empowers individuals to gain control over their emotions and responses to triggers. By transforming negative imagery and associated emotions, individuals can experience emotional freedom and resilience. This newfound emotional flexibility allows for a greater sense of well-being and the ability to navigate life's challenges with greater ease.

  3. Enhanced Self-Perception and Empowerment: Through ART, individuals can develop a more positive and empowering self-perception. By reframing negative beliefs and self-images associated with past traumas, ART cultivates self-compassion, self-acceptance, and a renewed sense of self-worth. This shift in self-perception can lay the foundation for personal growth and empowerment.

  4. Improved Relationships and Connection: ART can positively impact interpersonal relationships by facilitating a greater sense of connection and empathy. By resolving emotional wounds and releasing negative emotions associated with past experiences, individuals can engage in healthier and more authentic relationships. ART provides an opportunity to let go of emotional baggage that may hinder connection and foster deeper, more meaningful connections with others.

silhouette photography of woman spreading her hands in front of flight of birds
silhouette photography of woman spreading her hands in front of flight of birds

Consider a client named Malia, who sought ART therapy to address severe anxiety and intrusive thoughts stemming from a traumatic incident. Through ART sessions, Malia engaged in imagery reprocessing while simultaneously focusing on rhythmic eye movements. This process allowed her to access and reframe the distressing memories associated with the trauma.

As Malia continued with ART therapy, she experienced a significant reduction in anxiety, intrusive thoughts, and physiological distress. She gained a newfound sense of control over her emotions and developed tools to manage triggers effectively. Through this transformative process, Malia not only healed from the traumatic event but also developed a greater sense of self-compassion, self-assurance, and resilience. Her improved emotional well-being positively impacted her relationships, career, and overall quality of life.

grayscale photography of woman standing near plants
grayscale photography of woman standing near plants

Accelerated Resolution Therapy (ART) holds tremendous promise for individuals seeking rapid and transformative healing from trauma and emotional distress. By directly accessing and reprocessing distressing memories, ART facilitates emotional freedom, resilience, and empowerment. The profound impact of ART on individuals' lives is exemplified through stories like Malia's, where healing from trauma fosters personal growth and enhances overall well-being.

If you are ready to embark on a transformative journey, consider exploring ART with a qualified therapist and unleash the potential for inner freedom and healing.