New England Counseling and Consulting

Serving Teens and Adults in CT and MA

Unveiling the Inner World: Understanding IFS Therapy

Explore Internal Family Systems (IFS) therapy: Learn how this innovative approach helps heal trauma, reduce anxiety, and promote self-understanding by working with your inner 'parts'.


Liz Clarkin, LICSW

5/2/20242 min read

IFS therapy, developed by Dr. Richard Schwartz, is based on the premise that our minds are composed of various internal parts. These parts represent distinct aspects of our personality, emotions, and beliefs. IFS therapy posits that each part has its own perspective, role, and purpose within the individual's internal system. These parts can manifest as different emotions, thoughts, or behaviors that arise in response to specific situations.

For example, you might have an inner critic that is constantly judging and criticizing your actions, or an anxious part that always anticipates the worst outcomes. On the other hand, there might be parts that embody joy, creativity, or resilience.

IFS therapy invites you to explore and understand these parts of yourself in a compassionate and non-judgmental way. The therapy acknowledges that these parts developed as adaptive responses to life experiences, often with the intention of protecting you from pain or harm. Each part has its own unique perspective and serves a specific purpose, even if it sometimes leads to internal conflict or distress.

By engaging with these parts, you can gain insights into their origins, motivations, and how they impact your daily life. It's not about labeling or pathologizing these parts, but rather developing a deeper understanding and fostering a relationship of curiosity, empathy, and respect.

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silhouette photography of person

Consider a client named Sarah who sought IFS therapy to address her struggle with decision-making. Sarah had a part that was highly logical and risk-averse, constantly analyzing potential outcomes, while another part was adventurous and desired to take more risks in life.

Through IFS therapy, Sarah engaged in a dialogue with these opposing parts. She discovered that her risk-averse part emerged from past experiences of disappointment and fear. By compassionately exploring this part, Sarah was able to acknowledge its concerns and assure it that she would take appropriate precautions. She also discovered that her adventurous part had a strong desire for growth and fulfillment.

As Sarah continued her IFS therapy journey, she gradually integrated these parts, finding a balance between calculated decision-making and embracing opportunities for personal growth. Through this process, Sarah experienced a newfound sense of inner harmony, confidence in her choices, and an expanded capacity to live a more fulfilling life.

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woman spreading her arms

How Can It Help Me?

One of the transformative aspects of IFS therapy lies in its ability to resolve internal conflicts. By identifying and engaging with conflicting parts, clients gain insight into their origins and motivations. For example, an individual may have a part that desires success and achievement, but also a part that fears failure and plays it safe. Through IFS therapy, the client can explore these opposing parts with compassion, leading to resolution and internal harmony.

IFS therapy creates a safe space for clients to explore and heal emotional wounds. These wounds may be the result of past traumas or challenging life experiences. By approaching these wounded parts with empathy and understanding, IFS therapy supports healing and integration. Clients develop a stronger connection with their inner world and experience emotional resilience and well-being.

IFS therapy encourages clients to develop self-compassion and acceptance by building a relationship with their Self. This compassionate connection with the Self allows clients to embrace all parts of themselves, including those that may have been judged or rejected. Through this process, clients experience a profound sense of self-acceptance, leading to increased self-esteem and a more authentic way of being.

IFS therapy offers a transformative path to self-discovery and personal growth. By embracing and understanding the various parts within ourselves, we can resolve conflicts, heal emotional wounds, and cultivate self-compassion. The power of IFS therapy lies in its ability to unlock inner harmony, leading to profound and lasting changes in how we navigate our lives.